Electrode Design

Electrode Design
At Topmolders based on your
manufacturing capabilities, which details are more efficient to
machine and which to burn. Based on that knowledge we can design
every electrode for your mold complete with check sheets and EDM
setup sheets.
Topmolders designs electrodes that prevent
mistakes from occurring in the program and set up of the EDM sinker
by supplying X,Y, and Z locations in a data file to load directly
into your EDM's memory. This eliminates manual data entry at our end
and for the client. We put an orientation chamfer on each electrode
to allow your personnel to visually confirm that the electrode in
the EDM is set up correctly.
Topmolders designs all the electrodes
associative with the main core and cavity geometry and supplies
associative Sinker EDM set up sheets for each insert with all the
electrodes for that setup locations, over-burn and orbit patterns.